Please follow the steps in the article if you would like to use our classic apps on SharePoint Online.
1. For apps to work on your O365 tenant, you need to allow custom script.
Click to view detailed instructions.
2. In addition to following step 1, please follow this step if you want our apps to work on modern sites, group sites or communication sites.
Click to view detailed instructions.
In order to use our KWizCom apps within your site, you first need to install the required apps in your Tenant app catalog. In order to upload apps to your Tenant app catalog, you must be a Tenant Administrator or a user who has permissions to upload within the app catalog, which is given by the Tenant Administrator.
Installation steps can be found below:
1. Download the Apps Foundation Package zip file and unzip it on your desktop.
2. Upload packages to your SharePoint Environment
a. As a Tenant Admin, go to the “Apps for SharePoint” library in your Tenant App app
catalog site
(To learn more about how to manage your company’s App Catalog, please refer to
the relevant Microsoft documentation for SharePoint Online).
b. Upload the package from the extracted KWizCom
Apps Foundation zip file.
c. Upload the kwizcom-modern-apps-upgrade.sppkg package from the extracted
KWizCom Apps Foundation zip file.
After the package is uploaded you will see the following popup:
Make sure the “Make this solution available to all sites in the organization” is checked,
then click “Deploy” button to properly deploy it.
d. Upload the product app package from the All Apps Package zip file. For example, if you
want use KWizCom Forms app, you will want to upload "KWizCom".
the product app to your site(s) in your site collection.
*Please refer to this article on how to add KWIZ Apps Foundation to your site within your site collection. Adding KWIZ Apps Foundation to you site
a. Go to the site where you want to have the app and go to “Site contents”
b. Click “New” menu and select “App”
c. Click “From Your Organization” link on the left side:
d. Add the product app to your site/s.