Follow this article if you want to show Cascading Lookup in read only mode and allow user to edit it by clicking on "Edit" button.
1. Create a Cascading Lookup field, make sure to choose Display additional columns (will render in table)
2. Make your Cascading Lookup field "Read only" by using JS Script editor:
While you are in "edit mode", click on a gear icon on the right corner, and choose "JS Script editor".
3. Click on "Sample" and choose "Set fields appear read-only" from the dropdown menu.
4. Make sure to change the fieldsToDisplay to your Cascading Lookup field's name.
5. Click "Save" button to save the configuration
6. Click on "KWIZ apps" within the ribbon, and choose "Forms Layout" feature
7. Create a tab or a group.
8. Add your Cascading Lookup field by clicking on the arrow and choosing "Column" from the dropdown menu. Then, select your column's name.
9. Add a button by clicking on the "Add column" icon, and choose "HTML Elements" from the dropdown menu. Then choose "Button".
10. Click on "JS" under the button column and add the following script. Please make sure to change the fieldsToDisplay to your Cascading Lookup field's name.
11. Make sure to change the fieldsToDisplay to your Cascading Lookup field's name.
12. You can modify the button feel&look by clicking on the cog wheel icon under the button and choose "Button Properties".